Friday, August 29, 2014

Physics Goals

        This year in physics, I expect to learn how everything we know about works from the coversion of energy involved in eating, to the physics behind kicking a soccer ball and the movement of running, to the science behind spaceships. I think that studying physiscs is important so that we understand our world and why it functions. In adition to this, I am wondering how space travel and exploration works as well as the physics behind planets, nebuals, galaxies, and other space related bodies and concepts.
        I think that problem solving is recognizing a problem and finding a solution through innovation and thoughtful thinking and reasoning. I hope to be able to hone my problem solving skills this year and use them to do well on quizzes and tests as well as participate and do well in class. 
        In this class I hope to become a learner, exceed beyond being a student, and become a committed knower. To become a learner I want to try to learn because I want to learn and try to enjoy what I am learning not just trying to get a good grade. I will be willing to learn and improve my learning and study habits. This will all hopefully help me to comprehend, versus complete, and know, versus remember. I hope that this will all translate into a fun filled year full of learning adventures. 

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