Friday, April 24, 2015


In a motor, the battery supplies voltage which supplies current. The paperclips allow rotation and current to be conducted. The magnet supplies a magnetic field that makes charges move. The copper wire loop spins as a result of the flowing current. When creating my motor I scraped the wire only on the top of each side. This is because of the right hand rule so when current is perpendicular to the magnetic field a torque is caused.
In order for the motor to turn, there must be a current carrying wire that feels a force from the magnetic field of the magnet. This force causes a torque. The copper loop spins because it has moving charges in it from the magnetic field and the perpendicular current. The magnetic field goes upwards, the current goes to the right, and the wire turns because of this force/torque.
This motor can be used for many things, when something is attached to the ends of the wire. It could be used to power wheels, a fan, a mixer etc.

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